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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Leaving for Peru

Springfield Airport (That's the lake on the floor, I guess)
I've been up since 1:00 AM.  As usual, too excited to sleep well.  Maybe I can catch a few zzz's on the plane.    One of John's dreams is Machu Pichu, so this is why our first (and probably only) trip to South America.  He is DEFINITELY looking forward to the cooler weather in Peru--its winter in the southern hemisphere, and we will be high in the Andes--after a few days in the Amazon jungle. 
It's now 3:15, and I had my alarm set for 3:30, so better go take my shower--another won't be available until tomorrow night. 

Welcome, and thanks, Lisa, for your inspiration.  We ALL love to read your blogs.

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