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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sunday night

We are all so tired tonight. I think the adrenalin has been keeping us going until now. Plus, the heat is cumulative.

This morning some of the team went to mass, but three of us (Lori, Kayla and me) went to help with Sunday School. The young men leading SS are on Lori's team, and after some prodding, used the puppets to tell the story of Zacchaeus. Dillon drew an awesome tree for Z. to climb up in. The children loved it. Also, gotta love the upside down crowd of people around Zacchaeus during one of the classes.  Afterwards, we made puppets from lunch sacks with googly eyes. Then they received cool wristbands and stickers. They are like boys everywhere, they hid their stickers and acted like they hadn't received any. They wanted them to wear as tattoos, as well.

 Afterwards, we met with Lori's young men,and listened as Lori explained what was planned for the team Jeremiah. Each introduced themselves, then so did we. It was fun, there was laughter, then we all took pictures together.

After lunch and a siesta, we had the girls come to shop. A wonderful donor from the northwest sent 50 pillowcase dresses, so we let the girls, and their housemothers, pick the ones they wanted, with their own personal shopper (us). They also received a flower for their hair, a comb, and a pair of panties. The girls were as picky as we were when there is a choice. pretty funny. It was a good time, and we all got kisses and hugs afterwards.
Dinner was garlic toast and a delish eggplant Parmesan. And yes John, I ate it and was glad to.

Some are out on an evening walk now, but I am pooped. Ttyl


  1. Barb! These posts are awesome! Keep up the good reporting! I really admire you for going to Haiti. I'm pretty sure the heat would kill me outright :) What a neat thing and your posts are just wonderful. Can't wait to see your pictures ;) xxxooo

  2. Thanks, Lisa, that means a lot from the queen of bloggers!
