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Monday, September 30, 2013

We are experiencing technical dificulties--please stand by

I have NO idea what happened, but we were eating dinner tonight, and I was trying to upload my pictures of today, and after a couple of tries, my SD card now says there are no pics on it. I have other SD cards, so a new one is going into the camera tomorrow, and I'll take this one to someone when I get home and see if they can retrieve anything from it. Big Bummer.

today, we slept until almost 8:30!!!! We moored last night at the Llangollen basin, and even though we were about 6 inches from neighbors on each side, it was very quiet.

So, we had bread and butter (because I couldn't get the oven on) and John had a bowl of Alpen and I had a welsh cake. Of course, we had plenty of coffee.

Being Sunday, we didn't figure shops wouldn't be open anyway, so we took our time. we were very wrong. This town is hoppin'. First, we took a ride on the Llangollen train. It runs along the River Dee, and was very scenic. It stopped at numerous places, but ended at Carog. Not a big place, but very charming. They had a nice fire going in the fireplace. The River Dee is very wide and rapid, and runs through Llangollen. From the train, we saw lots of kayaks in the river, everyone has to wear wetsuits. I took pictures, but . . . . we also saw several men fly fishing. Took pictures of them too. . . . There was also a very scenic aqueduct with about 6 arches. Also took a picture of that.

after the train, we walked over the river into town, passing a gypsie band playing on the bridge (pic here) We went to an Internet cafe for lunch. I posted yesterdays blog, and had a wonderful chicken "casserole". Itwas more of a stew, but delicious. John had a cheese sandwich and a bowl of soup. The cheese sandwich was shredded cheese, and the veg soup was blended, Both were delic.

After lunch, John and I took off for the auto museum. The sign said one mile, but I think it was probably closer to 2-3. I left John there while I was going to continue on to Valle Cruse Abbey ruins, but after another half hour of walking, I didn't seem to be any closer, so turned around and started back. I got to the auto museum as John was just coming out, so we walked back to town.

Ended up eating at Bridgend again. John had curry something over rice and I just had treacle. Very rich, but good.

We are back on the boat now, watching British Antique Roadshow. We had the motor running since we didn't drive it today, and that's how the batteries stay charged. Someone just knocked on the window asking us how long we were going to run the engine; they wanted to sleep. I shut it off right away, then saw it was 8:10 PM. Did I cross the line? DanBrown, The Narrowboat Lad?

Since I didn't have any scenic pics to show, I took some of the boat interior. I didn't pick up, so ignore some of the mess.

The log in the canal from yesterday

A rare picture of me


Tomorrow, we will go back across the {{{{{{shudder}}}}}} aquaduct. well, one of us will. I am going to walk accross, since there is a tall rail, and John can drive accross, or hire someone to cross for him. It WON'T be me!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. 8:10 pm and someone complained about you engine running? Where they older than John?
    Almost 9 am here almost 3 pm there. Looking forward to reading todays adventure. (especially the part were John falls into the canal)
