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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Whole lot of squackin' goin' on

7:00 here, a tad foggy, and beautiful.

Tried to let John sleep a while longer while I went aft (I know the difference now) and watched the canal.
I just saw a fish come to the surface (or something, anyway). the canal isn't deep, so I wonder what it is.

I was really hoping to see a hedgehog, since we are moored right by a nice hedge. No such luck. However, it is really noisy out here this morning. Sounds like the jungle. Lots of bird calls I've never heard before. I'm taping a bit now, so perhaps I can add a clip later. Well, I had to delete my audio because John kept talking to me.

On our way about 8:30, and we immediately encountered our first two locks. The first one took us a while, before we realized the person before us hadn't totally closed the thingies, so we couldn't open the other thingies. Once we figured it out, the second one was much easier.

We kept going, with a couple of longer stops for lunch, and after the harrowing aqueduct experience. For some reason, I ended up driving most of the day. Might be because once when John was at the helm, he bounced off both sides of the canal in front of some teenage boys, and they laughed, and laughed, and laughed. I think it hurt his manhood.

John didn't mind going through Chirk tunnel, which is really, really long--1007 feet. I was proud of him (he is a bit claustrophobic).

The Chirk aqueduct is lovely. We were on the canal just beside it, so I got some wonderful pictures and views.

It is very beautiful here. Even the cows have a lovely accent.

We are headed upstream, and when you go through tunnels or narrow parts, the current is really strong. You have to step on the gas to keep from standing still. Later, closer to Llangollen, it was really odd-we were going down hill, the current was going up hill. The current was strong enough you have to hang on pretty tightly to the rudder.

We could see glimpses of the aqueduct long before we arrived, and it looks magnificent. 126 feet tall. I did not scream, but I've decided I'm having to stay in Wales so I don't have to cross it again. I don't know how long it is, but it took about 3 hours to cross, or maybe 5 minutes. Whatever. I'm told it's been there over 200 years and no one has fallen off going over in a boat, but I'm not sure if that is Welsh humor or not.

btw, Mom, I did a little dance when we crossed over to Welshland, in honor of Dad.

We decided to go on to Llangollen, and that is a tough stretch. This is where we were going downhill but upcurrent. In two places it is only wide enough for one boat, so someone has to spot you. You have to back up or someone else does, kind of a canal lay-bye, I guess.

We also got stuck on a log after the aqueduct. Couldn't go forward or in reverse. John flagged down the boat behind us, and they took the boat hooks, got it out from under the boat and held it to the side so both boats could pass. It was too big to lift out.

We arrived here about 7:15, right before dark. I think we will stay here all day tomorrow so we can take in the town, a car museum for John, and maybe a train ride.

We are having beer and cider at the Bridge End Hotel, and using their wifi. Days reflection? Everyone has been so nice to us, and forgiving our 1st day errors. The landscape is gorgeous, and we are very tired.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures. In the narrow parts, the current is sometimes caused by your own prop. If locks are close by and being used, water spills over and can cause a pretty good current. Or there is just current. Don't tell John, but I kinda chuckled about bouncing of the sides two. Hows the weather?
