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Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Made it. Reykjavik is great

Small world.  

We called an Uber for our trip to the airport, and a nice gentlemen arrived.  John talked cars for awhile with him, until I asked him how long he’d been driving for Uber—5 years, just sometimes.  Mostly when his wife wants him to do something else.   Turns out, he’s a good friend of an old boss, and I’d heard his name for 28 years while I was working.  And no, I won’t give his name on here, since I didn’t ask him, but he kindly allowed a selfie of us so I could show one of our mutual friends.

First thing we did after landing was to get our rental car.  We thought we were saving $$ by going through a smaller company, and we did.  The afore-non-mentioned international company subcontracts through one company who apparently sublets through another company.  I think the final company in the chain is “rust buckets R us”.  Johns door has such a dent in it that every time he opens or shuts, there’s a loud bang and everyone in earshot turns to look.  Oh well, it runs.  We were supposed to have a GPS also, and the gal at the desk said “They don’t all have GPS”.  When I checked our reservation, and pointed it out, she brought us one.  

Next, we found a grocery store and purchased a few things for our car rides the next few days—I love going to foreign stores—they have some very weird things.

While we were at the store, the boat company for our whale watching tour called, and our outing was cancelled because of high winds.  And yes, they were.  Strong and cold.  But we drove around and looked at things like lighthouses, and I went to a certain museum quite unique to Iceland, while John went to a maritime museum.  We met later at their music venue—JQH on steroids.  

Drove to our Guest house, an old home  along a street with some embassy houses. It was the home of artist, performer, etc. Guomundur Thoresteisson,  known as Muggur.  His stuff is currently being shown at Iceland Museum of Art.

This is the resident dog Fram.  He loved us.

Yes, it was also a consulate’s home.

Our room



And here are a few other random pics from today:

We have our alarm set for 2 AM, hoping the clouds move out, and the aurora might move in.  It’s 8:20 and John’s been asleep for an hour already.  Jet lag bites.


  1. This is so so so awesome! Thank you for the description and pictures. I so cannot wait for more :)

  2. Wow, I am loving the pics from my nice warm apartment! Keep up the good work of comments and pics!!
