After a nice breakfast buffet, we drove to one of about a dozen waterfalls (Icelandic word is foss.). Each one different, and each beautiful in their own way. Some had bus loads of visitors, the last one of the day had nothing but sheep.

Liz, I took the trek behind the falls. It was touch. Some young man told me “Well done” when I made it without breaking a hip.

Only one rainbow, Leslie. No sunshine on the other ones.
We also saw birds. The biggest puffin ever, a giant raven, and about 20,000 arctic terns. Oh, and short little horses, and very fleecy sheep.

Puffins have all flown away for this year. This is the best I could find.

Buddy by our last waterfall.

These had escaped. Farmers and stopped motorists were trying to herd them.

Arctic terns

More terns


This giant Raven didn’t care who came near. Men were taking selfies with him. Someone finally got too close (not me)
Differences in terrain really surprised us. From snow covered mountains, cliffs, dessert like fields, lava fields, hills and valleys, it felt like a whole little micro world. The sunset tonight was amazing.

The recycling and trash bins in Vik are even sod covered.

Moss covered lava field

Funky place where you are to add a rock to a cairn for good luck on your journeys. There was also a geocache here. The funny building in the background is a WC. Tall, like a shrine ;)

This was a no no. It takes 200 years for the moss to regrow.

I have no idea what this is, but it was where I stopped to take the sunset pictures.

Tonight’s sunset

Little church on the hill above Vik

Sod house and reclaimed barn
Dinner at a cute cafe in Kirkshaoudsjoiyjiyugsfj (there is no possible way of spelling it correctly). Again, soup and bread = about $35.00 US., 4,800 K.

My hot lava soup from lunch today

Today’s lunch menu
Our room tonight and tomorrow night (minus the laundry hanging from the radiator and curtain rod)

View from our window (if you look to the left)

The real view from our window

Upstairs “lounge”

So much luxury!
The waterfalls are so beautiful!